Dear event organiser,
Thanks for uploading your event.
Our team will assess and make it fully visible within 24 hours. Please, be aware we will only approve events:
- Showing a clear link with EU-policies and/or European culture
- Taking place in Brussels or online/livestreamed
- Respecting our Terms and Conditions
If you detect any mistake or need to make an update, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time via e-mail and indicate the requested changes. We will intervene ASAP to ensure the most correct and precise information possible for all our followers.
Event description
NEW - In order to make our not-for-profit association fully sustainable, from February 2020 the description field is only available as a paid service (5 euros per event / 25 euros for all events until the end of the year). The text of the description and all additional material (e.g. agenda) will need to be sent separately via e-mail.
Here the banking coordinates (normal bank transfer):
EU Events asbl
Rue du Sceptre 57C, 1050 Bruxelles
BE87 3631 6831 9894
Payment message: Events 2020 + Your e-mail address (name(at)
Event promotion
The event publication on our website does not include enhanced visibility on our website, social media, and newsletter.
NEW - This service is also possible for events with a clear EU-focus taking place outside Brussels.
#EUevents team
Last update: 12 February 2020